Monday, December 24, 2012

mereka sangat comel

maria elena, one of the famous blogger in the country has just got married and she and her husband sangat lah comel. family both side nampak rapat sangat and sangat happening wedding dorang. konsep dorang pun cantik. another video yang tunjuk dorang dating pun comel je. here's the official video of their wedding. how i wish my wedding pun nanti macam ni jugak. hailaaaaa

if only you know.

if only everything could work out like how you predicted, like how you say it will, won't it be great? but you were wrong, you were totally wrong. it is not as easy like how you say it. i know i'm not like how you wish i am, how you want me to. i'm not perfect. i'm still trying to improve myself and you know, you could always say it nicely. i try to be the best for you, to make you happy, to make you proud tapi perlu ke layan camni? i know, i'm not as good like other girls, i'm not feminine enough like other girls, i'm just some typical, plain, simple minded person who is actually trying to make some changes like how some people want me to. i wish you know how i feel, how hurt i am right now.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

i'm officially single!
be my boyfriend, anyone?

Monday, December 10, 2012

budak kuliah...

harini ada kelas kokurikulum. then buat lah pelantikan bagai. aku pulak, dapat jawatan bendahari. bendahari lagi -.- masuk ni 3 kali dah aku jadi bendahari. bosan gilaaaa asyik dapat yang sama haha. then tadi bagi lah kertas nak tulis nama untuk jawatan semua. sampai kat budak kuliah aku yang sorang ni, seronok pulak dia sebut nama aku. penuh pulak tu dia sebut. then bila jumpa dia kat mana-mana dia mesti sebut nama aku. even though we were like 100 m far. gila betul dia tu. dalam kuliah pun dia panggil. masuk-masuk je terus dia panggil nama. dah lah dia duduk belakang. memang tak habis kuat pulak dia panggil. pergghhh.. malu siaaaal. 

p/s: good luck for your material hardware paper. i miss you so much. can't wait to see you. love you sayang

Sunday, December 9, 2012


today, i had my haircut. it was done by my opposite room neighbor. i went on skype dengan my inche engineer and the first time he saw my hair, he laughed very hard. and then he said i looked very cute and he love it. happy betul bila dia cakap camtu. malu dah ni.

he secretly snapped some of my picture. he said he'll look at it whenever he misses me :3 this is the first time ever i did this kind of haircut. i look kind of weird actually. so, anyway, thank you very much to my inche engineer tersayang for puji me okay? amir sorang je yang rasa camtu haha xP btw, tadi masa lin. my friend datang bilik dia cakap ada amoi cina sesat -.- rasanya tak nampak macam cina pun. apa-apa pun, i'm going for now nak buat kerja. mati esok dengan lecturer kalau tak siap. okay then. bye-bye peeps.

p/s: study elok-elok kay amir. goodluck for your last paper. love you :D

Thursday, December 6, 2012

adobe photoshop

you see, i never use adobe photoshop before cause i don't get how it functions. and plus, i find it's very annoying and wasting of time and it really pissed me off to see all the toolbar. unfortunately for me, for this semester, i HAVE to use it -.- nasib baik lah tak buat yang sampai tahap professional. kalau tak, memang masa tu jugak lah aku terjun dari tingkat 4 bilik aku ni haha. anyway, this is the result i got after 2 weeks of practical class:

awesome tak? okay maybe ni kerja tahap tadika lah tapi kira okay apa dapat buat sehebat ni bagi budak yang baru first time pegang adobe photoshop haha. dah lah dapat jenis C2, memang yang lama punyalah. acano lah dorang yang gila publisiti and gila edit gambar boleh tahan buat benda complex camni? nak gila buat.. nasib baik lah benda ni buat 3-4 minggu je. lepas ni gila sebab programming lah pulok alamatnya. dah lah, lepas ni gila programming lah pulak aku ni. dah lah, kerja meng-update benda alah ni bila pulak kerja nak jalan haha. oh btw, 

buat inche engineer saya:
study mathematics tu elok-elok ye. all the best for your papers

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hey youuuu

Hey you,
Do you know i miss you,
I wanna kiss you,
I want you be mine forever.

Hey you,
I want to hold you tight,
I want to be by your side,
I want you be mine forever.

Hey you,
Hear me sayin' this,
I'll be missing you,
Hey you,
Please hear this one last part of me,
I love you.

Hey you,
You always makes me happy,
Sometimes you make me crazy,
I want to be yours forever.

Hey you,
I will love you till the end,
And that's gonna happen,
I want to be yours forever.

Hey you,
Hear me sayin' this,
I'll be missing you,
Hey you,
Please hear this one last part of me,
I love you.

- this song was written for me by my inche avionic maintanence engineer yang tersayang - 

i still remember the lyrics and i made a small change on it. hope you don't mind :P ok lah. saya nak mandi then terus buat kerja untuk kelas esok dan jumaat. tetibe rasa sem ni aku dengan roommate aku dah terbalik. aku sangat rajin sem ni. perubahan yang sangat mendadak hahaha

do you know how hurt i am?

who knows that my intention to make him happy, to cheer him up and to make him smile turn out to be he's making fun of me. i did something that i think would at least make him smile and i did. he was happy about it and he find it very sweet. but things turn out differently when he accidently joke about something i find quite sensitive to me. i know it was not his intention to make me hurt but it did. so, next time please don't make such joke. it doesn't mean that when you've done it once you can make the same joke again. the first time i can laugh with you about it cause i don't want you to know how i really felt but i hope you had a great time.

this is for inche comel saya :3

i am so adorable lah. i made a picture of myself for my inche engineer who is now having his final exams for this semester at MIAT. tapi gambar ni snap masa tengah semester satu lagi. inche engineer saya dah tengok dah dan dia sangat lah suka :D 

seeeeee comel kan comel kan? ok sumpah nak muntah baca statement sendiri haha. okay lah. ini untuk inche engineer saya yang tengah struggle sekarang ni. do your best kay sayang. and then heaven and joy for you for a month. i should have given you this picture on your birthday next month. baru special sikit kan since i won't be there to celebrate your birthday with you. anyway, thanks for holding up for me, be there for me when i need you, always love me, never give up on me and sacrifice everything for me. thank you for be with me for 1 year, 7 months, 24 days and still counting.

this is for my inche avionic maintanence engineer, 

Saturday, September 22, 2012


memang terbaik ahh lagi sebulan je lagi nak final. nak habis dah sem 1 hoho. cepatnya masa berlalu. kenapa lah final dekat sgt ni. takut benor -.- i'm not prepared for this. i really don't. dah lah dengan muet lagi. it's a good thing i passed my speaking test. but still, i'm not confident enough to face muet. amir ariff syg, please help me out.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


i just miss all the memories we had together before. the day we met, the day we became closer, the day you teased me, the day you made me cry, the day you asked me to be your girlfriend, the day you planned your future with me, the day we date, the day you sing for me, the day where we hang out, the day you take me to a beautiful place when i've nowhere to go, the day we said goodbyes. how close we used to be. how happy we used to be. i miss you. i miss us ): i hate what we've become.

i'm sorry i love you.

i'm sorry that i unfriend you. i'm sorry if i hurt you bad enough last night. i'm sorry i get jealous over something small. but i just couldn't accept the fact that you're replying to someone else even if it's just some friends because you were ignoring mine as if i'm nothing to you. it just sucks when you're ignored by the one person who's attention means the world to you. i wish you knew how much it means to me. i'm sorry for everything.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


i love you so much abah. 
sorry abah have to celebrate this day alone kat penang ):
if only i remember this day semalam, we'll be celebrating this event together with adik and abang. my treat of course :)
next week, we'll celebrate it ok? 
sayang abah. have a blast :3  
finally after 2 months, he's finally back. but he's not the same like how i used to know. no more random silly sweet texts, takde dah texting lama-lama, selalu reply text lambat, dah jarang pujuk orang bila touching and taktau apa lagi. i miss the old, sweet and cute amir ariff ):

Monday, June 25, 2012

it reminds me of you :)

You know you love someone when 
they're the last thought on your mind
before you go to sleep and
the first thing in your mind
when you wake up.

roommate ku sangat kelakar.

sabtu lepas, jiran depan bilik aku datang lepak bilik kteorg. then bilik aku pun jadi riuh macam buat pesta haa. lama jugak lah dorg sembang. aku tak join sebab tengah on call dengan amir. pastu dah penat dorg ni bercerita, keadaan jadi sunyi sepi buat seketika (ayat skema. ni lah contoh budak BM A+. bangga nazilah haha) aku pun dah habis on call dengan amir. then tak sampai seminit tetibe elok pulak rommate aku yang sorang ni terkentut hahaha. dah lah takda warning semua tetibe ada je bunyi. memang semua bantai gelak ahhh sampaikan roommate aku yang sorang lagi ni datang kat aku pukul2 aku. suka betul dia haha. nak jadikan cerita, aku pulak lepak kat belakang roommate aku yang terkentut ni. nasib baik lah bontot dia tak menghadap muka aku. kalau tak memang sedap kena setepek kat situ haha.

Dear Boys..

Sending a girl a text that says 
"good morning beautiful" 
can change her attitude 
for the whole day.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

All I want is someone who will stay,
No matter how hard it is to be with me.

my roommates awesomeeee

in my room, there's 2 kelantanese and 1 terengganese. ok macam pelik lah pulak panggil macam tu haha. habis aku kena buli kat sini sebab tak faham apa dorg cakap. nasib baik sekarang dah boleh faham sikit hahaha. anyway, they're really great roommates. i haven't been in my own room for almost 3 weeks and when i returned, they're like talking to me as if i'm always around. they're friendly and obviously awesome. i can joke around with them about almost everything. even my own classmate said that they're awesome. it's lucky for me to have such friends like them (: if this continues till the end of semester, that would be just great. i loikeee you guys lah. stay with me till the end eh 

Monday, June 18, 2012

i miss you

"Knowing that the person you truly love is fine and safe can wash away the sadness from missing the person.."

undefined haha

hai amir ariff, do you know how much i miss you? and do you realize how we are somehow connected? everytime i miss you, i will immediately text you even though i know that you would not read the text and after a few minutes, you will somehow get the message and you will call me. but unfortunately, i would not pick up the call because i would only realize that i have a missed call(s) from you after 3 - 10 minutes. how sad wasn't it? plus, you always called me when i'm in a class or lectures. i will pick up the call if i am capable to do so. but anyway, i thank you for calling me and it shows how much you care and miss me (: i love you sayang. i love you so much.

you know, i found an interesting quote that says,

"If you find someone willing to go through hell just to keep your relationship alive, NEVER take their love for granted".

when i read this, it reminds me of you. i realized how much you've done to keep our relationship going. how much you want me to stay with you. how much you love me. how badly hurt you are if i ever leave you. i'm sorry for everything sayang. i'm sorry for my wrongdoings. thank you for willing to stay with me forever.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

i miss you D:

 hai awak. lama tak jumpa awak. awak sihat? awak tahu, saya rindu awak. tengok saya pun dah jadi jiwang karat macam awak hahaha. kalau saya balik bangi awak, kita dating eh :3 dah macam gatal lah pulak saya ni haha. awak cepatlah habis plkn tu. dah berjanggut dah ni tunggu awak balik bangi. dah lah nak contact awak pun susah sekarang. rindunya nak jumpa awak. nanti rajin-rajin lah naik penang eh? saya bawak awak pusing penang eh :D ok lah awak. nanti geli pulak orang yang baca blog ni haha. bye awak.  

Friday, June 15, 2012

life in school was awesome lah

im currently trying to survive like hell. having assignment and tutorials this week which needed to be submit in a few days time for this week and i've been starting my classes for plus minus 2 weeks :D on first week dah kena halau duduk luar siapkan kerja. well, not our fault since we dont know that thing needed to be done before entering her class. no one informed us. life in school was so much better and awesome lah. boleh balik sekolah tak? so my life now is more like this.

6 am - bgn and straight away buat territory dpn bathroom saying this is my bathroom. i got it first. so, get out of my sight.

8 am - 5 pm - classes and lectures. good opportunity to get a good night sleep haha.

5 pm - 8 pm - mandi, makang, solat semua then siap pergi library

8.15 pm - 11 pm - lepak library, buat kerja, study semua mcm org gilak then balik bilik

11 pm - 1 am - buat kerja yg sampai ke sudah takkan hbs. bila rasa dah penat, pengsan terus mostly for now mcm ni lah haha.

 p/s: to amir ariff, cepat2lah blk rumah. rindu oh. lamanya kat plkn

Sunday, June 3, 2012


dah seminggu aku kat matrik penang ni. seronok lah jgk. orientation week was awesome. my fasi was great too. life's here so far so good. esok dah start kuliah. takut oh >.< tbh, tdi rasa mcm rajin nk type. skrg dah jadi malas pulak hahaha. esok2 ahh cite apa jadi kat kolej ni

Sunday, February 26, 2012

im truly sorry sayang ):

dear amir ariff azmi,

i know i cant say it with words for you to listen to. i hope youre reading this. im really sorry for everything. im sorry for raising up my voice to you when im not suppose to. im sorry for blaming you when i shouldnt. im sorry for making a fuss over small things when i said i wont do it again. im sorry that i hurt you. im sorry for everything that happened. im truly sorry. really sorry. i love you sayang. forgive me.

