Friday, February 13, 2015

amir comel

Comelnya lahai amir dulu. No wonder i fall for you

Well, you look sort of different now. Maybe sebab you look a little matured lah kot haha 😅 tpi i suka lgi yg form 5. Comel. The mere reason why i love you…

amir ariff azmi

I miss you. I nk dtg subang jumpa you tpi you taknak. You nk dtg selasa dgn rabu. I'm going back you know. There's not much time to be spent. So basically i lost my mood today and i spent the whole evening on youtube and sleep and drink nescafe and mandi and youtube and youtube and blog and more youtube. Takda mood nk perah otak buat drawing :(

p/s: i really do miss you. So much. Well, this is what you've been waiting all this while kan? For me to feel again. Now you have it. Cheerios :)

💜 inche engineer