Friday, December 2, 2011

dah merdeka daaaaaaa :D

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! budak bio dah merdeka daaaaaah
haha kesian kat budak account and LK je lah
seronok memang seronok dah habis tapi sekarang dah bosan nak mati.
sebabnya, pakwe saya ambik account (damn it!) tak boleh nak dating awal ):
dah lah 9 haribulan balik penang. pakwe saya ni 10 dah berangkat ke ipoh sampai lah 19.
memang berjanggut 20 meter lah aku nak tunggu hmmm
cuba teka ada kat mana sekarang nieeeee? :3
kat LIBRAAAAAAARY!!!! hihi semangat tak semangat tak? dah habis paper pun still setia dengan library yang satu ni hihi
okay lah memang tipu lah en kalau cakap rajin -.-
sebenarnya aku ni teman aten study account je, okay ada amir and akasyah sekali. dorang study account aku pulak meng-online haha
bosan ahhh lepak sorang -.- takpe lah nak pergi kacau orang lepas tu nak pergi lunch lepas tu lepak lagi lepas tu lepas tu haaa pengsan terus ahhh :s
hmm kay lah. sumpah penat menaip. kbyeeeee

Saturday, July 16, 2011


semalam before pergi tuition, online kejap, chatting dgn hotsetap kejap pastu tetibe keluar amir ariff. berbunga-bunga hati ni. (ayat mintak lempang)
skype kejap dgn dia, webcam kejap pastu dah kena pergi tuition dah. ):
dah lah dia ckp gmbr blurr. alololo kesian dia.
takpe lah, nak buat mcm mana.
and now tgh bosan nak mati ni. -.- taktau nak buat ape. mcm takde life. chatting dgn org, stalk page org, bukak sana bukak sini pastu pengsan. haha
nak pergi seminar addmaths kat upm tpi umi tak bagi. ): and now tetibe rasa macam nak makan ice cream. ok lapar. kay lah. nak turun bawah tgk mama masak ape. :3 LAPAAAAAAR!
and yeah, i do miss you. till now. if you know who you are. (: kbye.

Friday, July 15, 2011

alright. im official single dah ni. (:
ok tgh bosan. kbye.
nak mcflurry. -.-
ok lame.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

june 6th 2011

cuba teka cuba teka? :D
esok BIRTHDAY aku doh.
ok actually takde benda pun nak excitednye sebab bukannya ade sape nak celebrate dgn aku esok. sedih en? -.- ye aku tau sedih. just the same thing every year. my mom wish me (but since tomorrow baru umi balik, rasanya dia text je kot), my sis wish me and my brothers wish me. my dad? hmphhh... harapan. susah gile dia nak ckp, "anis happy bday." or something like that. -.- i think the last time he gave me a present is when i was 11 i guess. sedih en? sedih gila. ):
takpe nanti nak celebrate dgn amir ariff. :D tak sabar tak sabar tak sabaaaaaar. hehe
oh nanti teera pun ade sekali.
cepatlah selasaaaaa. tak sabar ni. -.-
ok bye. nak buat benda lain pulak. hihi

HBN 2011

didnt update for ages.
ok so i went to HBN and watched a gay group who call themselves malaysian k-pop.
they feel like they're at the same stage with super junior.
ok tak baik doh aku ckp dorg camni. :p
but no doubt their choreography was quite good actually.
ok so that night i waited from 7 pm until 10 pm to watched super junior M.
awesome. freakin' awesome.
bahagia gilaaaaaa haha
stayed there till 11 pm
balik semua bau macam kambing. sumpah hapak gilaaa
balik rumah mandi pastu call amir jap. :D
then tidur.. zzzzzzzzzzz
dah tak igt duniaaaa
haha ok bye.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

dah jadi bleach maniac pulak.

tetibe IZATI HASHIM jadi a fan of BLEAAAAAACH. awesomeeeee haha. ok bitch nanti aku balik kita tgk beach sama-sama eh. :D tak sabar tak sabar tak sabar!!!!!! buat sleepover jom! :D ok bye. nak balik dah. penat lepak mcd. hehe

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

sorry bro sorry.

sorry doh lama tak online. internet kena potong la pulak en. sebab? sebab yang kembar tu bijak sangat taknak belajar (aku pun sama) and result teruk gila and asyik menghadap laptop je and and and (dah takde reason dah sebenarnye) hahahaha ok lame. so now, since i'm IN A RELATIONSHIP, people must be wondering why i like him, the reason why i fall in love with him. let me list them out. i'm not sure how many i can list out but i'll try. :D

1. sweet
he's so damn sweet. he remembers stuff that i told him (people might say it's normal but to me, it's not because i know someone who doesnt and it totally break my heart), he remember a lot about me, about what i like, what i want, what my interest and all even before we've been together. (: and he even make some songs with his guitar just for me. OMAGAAAAAAAWD!!! that's just awesome. and when we're having marching competition the other day, he came all the way to ppd just to see me. well, at least that's what i think. haha

2. caring
even before we've become close or have crush towards each other, he would care a lot about me even if i dont talk much with him. i know people would say, that's how he is but to me, he's different compared to other guys that i've ever known. sorry ahh kalau ada yang terasa. :D

3. can play guitar
i like a guy who can play guitar and i dont give a damn if he can sing or not. i dont want a guy who can only play malay songs. -.- it would be awesome if he CANNOT play malay songs. haha but he's doing well enough because he can play a lot of english songs and he can even composed songs. he composed some for me to listen.

4. same interests
so, we've a lot in common. we both like cadbury black forest, anime, korean and etc. there's a lot till i cant think. haha

5. patient
no matter how annoying i am, how ego i am, how hot-tempered i am and all, he'll stay patient and try to persuade me. he wont get mad at me at all and that's one of the reason why i love him.

6. loyal
he's loyal. lots of people tell me that and i can see that too that he's loyal. :D

ok i cant think what else to say. there's too much about him and my brain tak cukup oxygen. banyak sangat chlorofluorocarbon masuk dalam otak. hahaha takpe lah i'll list it all out after this once i reach home and i get enough oxygen for my brain to think. haha ok lame. ok so, i love you sayang. :D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

well, most people might know this hahahaha. yeah, i fall in love with someone. (: kalau tak puas hati, tolong ckp depan-depan ye. jangan mengutuk aku pls. thank you. bye. :D

Saturday, March 5, 2011

asl awesome sgt life aku ni? next week dah exam. form 5 bro and still u want to be active? next week exam, dengan practice kawad bagai lagi smpai pukul 6. mmg awesome ahhhh. cuti pun ade practice gak. aku nak balik penang. D: nak keluar amir tak kasi. dia ckp i'm one of the best yg pndai kawad. kalau camni mampos ahhh aku. -.- aku nak keluar doh. krs kan dah cukup org. lebih dari cukup lagi. so, asl nak pakai polis lagi? i mean, asl nak pkai service aku lagi? aku taknak doh. ): kau la amir, kalau kau baca ni, jgn terasa la kay sebab aku pun dah ckp ok aku tak keluar sbb kau siap pujuk rayu bagai. hahahahahaha xD

Monday, February 7, 2011


when i log in into my blog, i read the titles of the posts from the blogs that i follow especially the blogs which has k-pop news. i still remember when i was still a Goergian, me and my friends will always compete with each other to get the latest k-pop news. each one of us want to be the first person to spread the news, to talk about it, to be proud that you're actually the first person to know about it and your friends get curious about it. u get to brag around ya know. it was always me who always get the latest news and rumors and new bands so i get to chose first. hahahahahhaha (x good times. good times. sometimes, faris and i will share the same hotstuff that we like in a band. awesome how we have the same taste for guys. xD i miss the times when we'll be hanging out at faris' house and play around, looked at them, dancing and i'll be sleeping on the floor. it happens all the time. i'm sucks at dancing and i'm to embarrassed to dance in front of them. i miss the time when we stay back after school and hang around in the class, playing around till evening. when the teachers were not around, we'll be doing some sort of meeting at my place. we'll be gossiping, chatting around, listening to music and all. oh damn, i miss guys so much. i remember the time when we were running away from an event and we were everywhere in school ground escaping from the prefects. masuk surau, nyorok kejap, pastu keluar ikut tingkap, kaki ayam semua. oh gosh, i have tears in my eyes. oh and we terkantoi dengan razeena and u guys locked me in a locker. hahahahahahahahahahaha that was funny. how i wish i could turn back the time so i can enjoy my life like i used to. to have a good time with u guys again. too much memories. i can still remember the times where izat will joined u guys singing along a song but i cant remember what song it is. amazing how izat could pace up with the weird lyrics that u guys were singing. dah la hangul berterabur doh. hahahahahahahaha. i wish to see u guys again. i really do.

Love & Truth

i fall in love with this song. same goes to farah. we both love this song and amazingly, this song kind of remind me of him. i dont know why but i suddenly feel like missing him. it sure does bring back memories. i should let bygone be bygone. damn it raja, just forget about him already! there's no use in remembering all the pains that he had made u go through. anyway, enjoy the song by yui. (:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

15 reasons why you dont do your homework.

when you run out of excuses to tell to your teacher because u didnt finish up your homework, just tell them that:

1. i left it at my dad's house in another town
2. i was in the hospital with my cat the whole night
3. my pet died
4. i didnt understand it
5. my house was robbed
6. another teacher took it away
7. i have a repertoire
8. my snake ate it
9. my hard drive crashed
10. i had a psychological melt down
11. my goldfish ran away
12. my hamster shat on it
13. i went into a short coma from right after the school ended to right before that class started
14. my grandfather died on the toilet listening to an Elvis CD
15. my dog ate it and i wish my homework was asexual so it could do itself

source: yahoo answer. xD

homework oh homewoooooork.

dear raja nurul izzati,

sekolah nak bukak dah cik kak oi. homework dah jalan ka belum? tu laaaaa dok rumah bising. boring la apa la. homework taknak buat. bangun pun lambat. ada umi ja baru hang rajin nak bangun awai. esok dah ahad baru reti nak kelam kabut buat naaaaa. spm tinggai brapa hari jaaa. pi la belajaq. buat mak pak hang bangga. tak payah menghadap benda alah ni dah. buat semak otak cik kak oi. kay laaaa. pi belajaq ka, buat homework la lagi baguih. pi lekaih!

yours truly,

reply letter:

dear brain,

do u know that homeworks can cause brain damage? google has just confirmed it recently. here's the proof. :D

yours truly,
raja nurul izzati

Friday, February 4, 2011

my wardrobe 'runtuh'.

so, last night (friday night) i went to bed late. i went to bed after 12 and amazingly, i cant sleep. it was dark pitch and i was like, scared to death. who wouldnt right? it was friday night and it was pitch black in your room, plus you were sleeping alone. i dont even dare to open my eyelids. anyway, when i was trying to sleep (forcing myself to dream actually) i suddenly heard some noise IN MY ROOM which is very very very loud and it seriously freaks me out. i braved myself to open my eyes and thank goodness there was some light which idk where it comes from and i can see a bit. i was searching where the hell did that noise come from but i can see nothing. nothing that can cause that loud noise. so, i tried to ignored it and prayed so that i could fall asleep quickly. this morning, after i done taking my bath and all, i open my amazing wardrobe and walla! guess what i found? ALL MY CLOTHES THAT WERE HANGING HAD FALL DOWN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so now i know where that noise come from. xD habis baju semua kedut. kne gosok balik. -.- whole morning aku habiskan dgn kemas almari. terbaik ahhhh.

pergi balik main ting ting ahhhh.

ok, let me get this thing right. so, the politics chaos is in egypt right? all the killings and fighting and all the politic problems happened there wasnt it? so, why is it there's some malaysian people need to butt into their business and causes some chaos here? is malaysia wasnt in peace enough that u people thirst for some fighting and war and blood? bro, tak payah nak buat kecoh ahhh kat kl tu. ape yang kau dapat bile kau buat kecoh kat sana? ade presiden mesir tu nak letak jawatan kalau dia tau kau buat kecoh pasal negara dia kat sini? tak payah la nak buat semak kat sini. kalau teringin sangat nak lawan, nak cari masalah, konon nak tunjuk baik, pergi mesir laaa. tak payah buat hero kat sini. -.- ape la yang kau dapat bile kau buat masalah? pergi balik main ting ting ahhh bro. tak pun, kalau kau rasa kau baik sangat la en, pergi minta doa ke zikir ke baca yassin ke supaya mesir jadi aman balik ek? aku rasa english aku berterabur ahhh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sengal. takpe ahhh. aku tengah sakit perut ni. tak fikir pasal ayat dah. xD

Thursday, February 3, 2011


finally, my mom decided to return back my notebook and my cellphone. yeah, she 'rampas' my notebook and my cellphone because i lied to her. i did say sorry but she was like, refuse to forgive me. but it's ok now. :D my dad helped a bit. a bit la. xD anyway, my friend tdi suddenly suruh describe dia macam mana. i was like, omg i cant think at all. taktau nak cakap apa. i was so semangat belajar bio, buat nota bagai suddenly dia tanya. terus otak jammed. sekarang dia minta describe dia pulak. errr.. tbh, i'm not good in describing people but oh well, i'll try. >.< okay, dah dapat a few. lepas ni nak sambung study bio.... tengah semangat gile. ntah kenape. wire baru sambung kot. xP

Monday, January 31, 2011

amir ariff.

so, here's the thing, amir play some songs for me to hear. i never knew that he has talent in guitar. (: the guitar part was awesome. the singing part... kelakar laaa sebab it's a girl's song and he's a guy. so, bile dia nyanyi tu kelakar sket ahhhh. xD weh amir, jgn kau goreng aku plak lepas ni. i really like the way u play the guitar. thanks a lot. :D

p/s: next time kau main lagi eh? :D thankiesssssssssss.

bio oh bio

tadi aku pergi sekolah. ade bengkel bio. aku pun ape lagi. dari semalam semangat gile nak pergi. perghhhh sampai je skolah, dah semangat dah nak belajar dynamic ecosystem sebab last year aku sedap tidur dalam lab. sumpah tak tahan ngantok. tu la first time aku tidur dengan aman dalam lab. so tadi aku duduk la dengan hez and zai. dorg rancah hbs ahhh sembang. ntah amende la yg dorg ckp. so suddenly meera datang. hmmm ape lagi, dia duduk sebelah aku ahhhh. mmg harapan ahhh nak belajar. sembang and dengar lagu sampai pukul 11. sumpah taktau ape yang cikgu ajar. dah la duduk belakang, ok takde la belakang sangat but still boleh dengar kebingitannye.

p/s: suddenly i feel like missing penang. -.- bile nak balik nieeeeee?

sorry lambat. i just reach home from my cousin's. and i look at my facebook and i saw some bday on today then my mind just flickered to u. (: happy bday bestfriend.

izati hashim.

to izati hashim:

bro, thanks a lot for helping me out tonight. i've made it. awesomeeeeee. xD i stayed up till 3.33 am. i cant sleep and guess what? i'm having bengkel bio in the morning at 8. confirm tidur kat dewan. eh, dewan ke lab? o.O oh and the awesome part is, all of the bloggers are girls. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry but i cant think of any guys who's blogging at the moment. thanks for allowing me to ciplak-ing your work. ^^ next time i copy lagi yeeeeee. heeeee~ kay la. nak tidur dulu. tak ngantok tpi kne paksa jgk la kalau tak confirm tidur time belajar. then, kne aim. rugi je ahhh dtg kalau camtu. -.-

yours sincerely,
raja :)


ok update kali ni takde kaitan pun dgn sape2 yg buat aku bengang ke ape, tak. it's actually someone's blog. he wants me to write something about his blog. (: well, since i havent read his blog yet so i cant write anything about it. just that, it seems like he like to post something creepy and tragedic. so, if u would like to read his blog. go ahead. here's the link. i'll join u guys later. xD

Sunday, January 30, 2011

josh henderson - can you tell me it's ok

JYEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! I'VE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH JOSH HENDERSON. :D yeah, i'm crazy about him. this song, it was a cut from the movie "The Jerk Theory". (:

Here we are,
We've been here, yes we have.
Can you tell me we're OK?
We're face to face,
But are we still apart?
Can you tell me it's OK?
You can't know what you've done.
And what I say is to you.
You can stay, you can go,
Still I'll never be the same.
But I hope that we're OK.
You can't know what you've done.
No you don't know how I've changed.
I know, I was wrong.
I'm sorry that I hurt you.
Can you tell me it's OK?
Here we are, we've been here before.
Can you tell me it's OK?
You can't know what you've done.
No you don't know how I've changed.
I know, I was wrong,
I'm sorry that I hurt you.
Can you tell me it's OK?

i'm over u.

walawei dah berzaman aku tak update. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i didnt update a thing ever since i broke up with him. well dear, i'm happy to say that i'm over u now. hmmmm is it too fast? buat pe nak touching lama2. -.- i have a life ya know. so, i better get over it and have a better life kan? so anyway, for the whole week ni, aku asyik busy jeeeee. mengalahkan bussinessman. -.- tidur pun 3, 4 pagi. terbaik ahhhh. pegi sekolah jalan melelong mcm org mabuk. oh, dlm busy2 ni, ade satu lagu asyik temankan aku je. beatiful splinter by josh henderson. hez tak hbs2 ckp josh henderson tu dari wipeout. ntah brape kali tah aku ckp bukan. josh henderson lagi hot kot. i've fallen in love with his songs. :D teera love the song and hez mcm, "biasa je" sampai hati. nak toucing ahhh camni. D: sorry that the title takde kaitan pun dgn things that i've typed here. xD

Thursday, January 20, 2011

i do wish u read this.

we've been together for 2 months now. today is the day. it's already 1.10 am and i havent gone to bed yet. i'm still waiting for his call or text at least but i didnt get any so far. so, i was a bit disappointed. i reached home at 5.00 pm. i turn on my cell phone and i checked if i received any text from him but no, i didnt get any. he barely text me nowadays. it'll always be me who call him at night but still, idk where went wrong that he's like asking me to stop calling him right after his class. i called him after 10.30 pm. he finished his class at 10. so, at what time should i call? if i call by 11.00 pm, you'll be asleep by then syg. hari ni genap 2 bulan tpi u tak call or text pun smlm. the whole day. usually you'll be texting me right after u reach home from school. but now, there's nothing from u. i was wondering if you're tired of me, bored with me. yes i know i'm not matured. but that's my nature. i taktau nak jadi matang mcm mne lagi. i locked myself in my room every since this evening. my cellphone stay by my side. i only get out of my room when necessary. i igt u akan call mlm ni. i wait for your call. i do and i still do. if u didnt call me by today, seriously, i dah tak larat dah. dah malas dah nak layan. asyik i je yg give up. tbh, i tak suka u yg skrg. i prefer u yg dulu. the sweet and nice and caring uqhaili. uqhaili that i love. yg rajin text i, ckp sweet stuff, ckp i love you, panggil i syg. i nak uqhaili yg i kenal. i really really do hope that u read this post. i really do. this is just part of it. i'll keep the bigger part to myself. i prefer it that way. (:

Monday, January 10, 2011

WALAWEEEEEEEEEEI! ESOK UJIAN SIAAAAAAAAL! mcm babi je doh nak ujian2 smua. -.- tak pyh nak susah2 bazir kertas la doh. kteorg ni bknnye nak study sgt pun. mmg bru sminggu skolah bukak nak suruh kteorg revise whole form4 books kot. pada2 arr skolah ni pun.

shockingly, IZATI HASHIM DOESNT KNOW THAT I HAVE A boyfriend. not until i mentioned about it earlier. xD kesian dia. hahahahahahahaha.

i've make up with my bf back. (: cool. xD

ok, bye. :D

Saturday, January 1, 2011

so, now here i am, online-ing at mcd greenlane. JYEAAAAAAH! I'M IN PENANG BEBEEEEEH! but no, so far i'm not enjoying it. we've promised to meet up here at 2 pm but he can't make it because he said that his fever might be coming back. fuck. why does he get fever at a time like this?! he called but i didn't pick up. i went out and i didn't bring my cellphone along. well, i thought that i don't need it. so, he text and i was like, WTF?! broken heart habis ahh. idk why tpi my mom suddenly je kasi pegi lepak kat mcd and siap tnye lagi nak sleepover kat rumah kwn tak? then tdi umi kata ahh, tdi ckp pegi pukul 2 skrg pukul 4 plak. aku gelak je ahh then bgtau dia psal faris ajak pegi gurney. then umi boleh tnye knape tak pegi? dia siap tnye lagi nak pegi ke? aku ckp ahh nak pegi boleh tpi nak blk tu takde transport. aku rse ahh, kalau aku ckp nak pegi, dia hntr dah sbb nak pegi mcd ni pun dia hntr. mula2 tdi dia ckp pegi sendiri doh. i was like, HUIYOOOO! BIAR BETUL NI UMI KESAYANGAN AKU?! o.O susah nak percaya sebenarnye. igtkan nak pegi sleepover rumah syaira ahhh. hikhikhik tgh try nieeeeeeyh! xD