Friday, February 4, 2011

my wardrobe 'runtuh'.

so, last night (friday night) i went to bed late. i went to bed after 12 and amazingly, i cant sleep. it was dark pitch and i was like, scared to death. who wouldnt right? it was friday night and it was pitch black in your room, plus you were sleeping alone. i dont even dare to open my eyelids. anyway, when i was trying to sleep (forcing myself to dream actually) i suddenly heard some noise IN MY ROOM which is very very very loud and it seriously freaks me out. i braved myself to open my eyes and thank goodness there was some light which idk where it comes from and i can see a bit. i was searching where the hell did that noise come from but i can see nothing. nothing that can cause that loud noise. so, i tried to ignored it and prayed so that i could fall asleep quickly. this morning, after i done taking my bath and all, i open my amazing wardrobe and walla! guess what i found? ALL MY CLOTHES THAT WERE HANGING HAD FALL DOWN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so now i know where that noise come from. xD habis baju semua kedut. kne gosok balik. -.- whole morning aku habiskan dgn kemas almari. terbaik ahhhh.


  1. hahahhaa...kesian3.......i think ur clothes had already run of of the limit....kahkah....dey ...go n buy ur new wardrobe la...... :D

  2. wardrobe tak dapat tahan baju bnyk sangat. xD berkilo-kilo. tu yang runtuh. nasib baik tak melatah ke mengucap pnjang2 ke ape pe. terkejut den mlm tu. xD

  3. ahahahhha......itu xpe lg..naseb baek xde srangan jantung..kalau x..mesti ak xdpt tgk hg hows ur new wardrobe?? ka msih ltk baju kt dlm bakul?? LOL

  4. hahahahahahaha serangan jantung pun boleh hang ni. xD takde ahhh. wardrobe ok. boleh gantung bnyk2 dah. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
