Saturday, February 5, 2011

15 reasons why you dont do your homework.

when you run out of excuses to tell to your teacher because u didnt finish up your homework, just tell them that:

1. i left it at my dad's house in another town
2. i was in the hospital with my cat the whole night
3. my pet died
4. i didnt understand it
5. my house was robbed
6. another teacher took it away
7. i have a repertoire
8. my snake ate it
9. my hard drive crashed
10. i had a psychological melt down
11. my goldfish ran away
12. my hamster shat on it
13. i went into a short coma from right after the school ended to right before that class started
14. my grandfather died on the toilet listening to an Elvis CD
15. my dog ate it and i wish my homework was asexual so it could do itself

source: yahoo answer. xD


  1. ohohohoho.....funny at part 13 .....yaww u stold it from yahoo .....ahaha

  2. hahahahahahaha yg tu takleh blah. xD coma lepas sekolah smpai next day before the class start. terbaik en? try tell that to your teacher and see what'll happen. confirm dpt penyepak sebijik.
