Friday, February 4, 2011

pergi balik main ting ting ahhhh.

ok, let me get this thing right. so, the politics chaos is in egypt right? all the killings and fighting and all the politic problems happened there wasnt it? so, why is it there's some malaysian people need to butt into their business and causes some chaos here? is malaysia wasnt in peace enough that u people thirst for some fighting and war and blood? bro, tak payah nak buat kecoh ahhh kat kl tu. ape yang kau dapat bile kau buat kecoh kat sana? ade presiden mesir tu nak letak jawatan kalau dia tau kau buat kecoh pasal negara dia kat sini? tak payah la nak buat semak kat sini. kalau teringin sangat nak lawan, nak cari masalah, konon nak tunjuk baik, pergi mesir laaa. tak payah buat hero kat sini. -.- ape la yang kau dapat bile kau buat masalah? pergi balik main ting ting ahhh bro. tak pun, kalau kau rasa kau baik sangat la en, pergi minta doa ke zikir ke baca yassin ke supaya mesir jadi aman balik ek? aku rasa english aku berterabur ahhh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sengal. takpe ahhh. aku tengah sakit perut ni. tak fikir pasal ayat dah. xD

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