Monday, July 19, 2010

i miss them. D:

even though i always said that how much i hate them, how much they pissed me off and stuff, i always miss them whenever i look back at the pictures of me with them and the memories appear like movie in a slow motion.

i just had a chat with farah on chatbox. she told me to watch a video on her profile and before she left she said, "miss ya u know?". i miss her too. i told her that it had been a while since i last called her and talked to her. she said it's ok. she understand my condition. she even told me that everyone is doing fine. i told her that i'm not fine. i'm tired. i envy them. they dont have to do much hw like we are. ): so, she asked me to have lots of rest and watch the video.

a few days ago i had a chat with didy. she'll wear the red skirt that she dream of. tch...
anyway, just wanna tell all my buddies, when say all, i mean ALL of them that i miss u people. =3

Friday, July 16, 2010

a girl and a boy.

this is a story about a guy and a girl with her 3 girlfriends.
this guy is kinda having a crush towards this girl but this girl doesn't feel the same way he does.
this guy is younger than her and always stalks her and the girl knew about it but she doesn't like it.
one day, the guy passes the girl's class. her girlfriends notice that and start to laugh and pointing and made her embarrassed. what she doesn't realize is that the guy's friends was somewhere near their class and watching their every movements.
she doesn't like everything that the guy did. her friends always told her to tell her real feelings towards the guy if she wanted all of this to stop but she refuse. she said she doesn't want to hurt his feelings even though she knew that what she did will give hopes to that guy. tch...

that's all for today. i think the story was kinda hanging. i dont mind actually. XD tbh, i dont have anything to post ever since putih died. D: