Tuesday, October 12, 2010

prank calls.

today, i went to Amalina's house for one reason: STUDY! but we didn't do it till the end. -.- wait for her house to be empty then we ordered mcd delivery. the funny thing was that the operator keeps on repeating the same thing over and over again and at the end it says "terima kasih" wtf?! we were like "what the heck was that?!" i was laughing. idk whether it's her house telephone's fault or the operator. then, she used her cellphone and guess what? it works! BHAHAHAHA!!! weird wasn't it? we tried like 3 to 4 times using her house phone and it didn't work but when we tried by using her cellphone, it works. wow, mcd pun pandai pilih telefon. and then we ate till we full. then we get bored and dont know what to do. so, we did 'a few' prank calls. we called my ex and her ex and most of the guys in our phonebook. :D hikhikhik. it was fun. i called one of the guy in her phonebook. this is what we're talking about:

he: hello?
me: oh helo. ermm.. *insert name here* ade?
he: *insert name here*? dia takde.
me: dia takde?
he: haa. dia takde.
me: err... dia pegi mne ek?
he: dia takde. eh, hari takde kelas ke?
me: haaa? ape dia tadi? *shock*
he: ahhh.. takde pape la.
me: oh ok.
he: err... ni sape ek?
me: ahhh... orang la.
he: ye la. sape?
he: makhluk Allah. hahahaha.
he: ni sape?
me: err.. takpe la. salah number kot. ok bye
he: haa.. ye la. ok bye

and then we laughed. it was sort of funnehhh actually. then, amalina start la tacing tacing semua. then, suddenly her parents came home and there's one thing that we didn't do and that is, STUDY! so, amalina was like, "keluarkan buku keluarkan buku!" and the comic that i was reading automatically hidden under the pillow. hahaha. amazing. XD i had fun today and like i said before, it is DANGEROUS to be in amalina's house. why? because i wont do other things except READ.COMIC.BOOKS. :D

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