Monday, August 9, 2010

ape jadah jodohkan my BESTFRIEND with my EX?!

yesterday, there's this girl, a friend of mine from primary school fb chat with me. i haven't been in touch with her for like... 2 or 3 years already. she asked me how's my life nowadays. i told her that i've moved to bangi. here's our conversation:

she: wei, pe cer skrg?
me: takde pape pun. oh, aku dah pndah bangi.
she: KL?
me: yeah
she: dkat tak dgn zaid?
me: he's in putrajaya... so, it's like half an hour journey. (zaid's studying in alam shah)
she: oh, bwak la fairuz pegi jmpe dye.
me: buat pe?
she: bday zaid 3.11
me: and? buat pe aku kne bwak dye pegi jmpe zaid?
she: fairuz kan minat dye..
me: o.O mne ang tau?
she: ade la.
me: biler dye bgtau ang?
she: dye tak bgtau pun.
me: then, mcm mne ang bole tau?
she: sje je aku tnye camtu.
me: jgn suruh aku jodohkan depa.
she: bole gak. secocok.
me: sape? fairuz n zaid?
she: yup.
me: taknak
she: asl?
me: zaid's my ex. =_=
she: biler ang couple dgn dye?! (terkejut)

jadah arr pompuan nie. nak ckp pun pakai perasaan arr... takyah ske2 ati je ckp camtu la sial. kau tu dah la TAK rapat dgn zaid. tolong arr wei, mne la dye NAK rapat dgn kau. takyah buat drama arr dgn aku. =_=

p/s: tgk! aku baru je nasihat udah2 la ngutuk org and maki and stuff. at the end, aku la yg paling teruk. =_= sedarlah wahai raja nurul izzati. puasa nak dekat dah. taubat2 la. :D

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