Saturday, September 19, 2009


today we're making kuih raya. even though it might seems like a bit late but, it's ok. as long as we did it.
well, actually we started making it last night. but, there's a black out in my house. =_=
so, can't do kuih raya. i've to tumbuk till hancur all the stuff that people usually use blander.
ha, mcm nieyh la org dulu2 bwat kuih raya. x dak elektrik. :D (my mum says that)
then, we all pakat whole family and sleep at the hall. with the front door terbuka. o.O
sedap2 tidoq, electric da elok balik. the others were still sleeping. i can't sleep at that time and dad woke up to close all the lights and continue sleeping in his room.
bgn sahur and eat at the hall. dapur is in a mess! nk jalan pun pyh. haha. :D
started making kuih. there's a round 6-7 types of kuih we've made.
mum asked whether we still wanted to make more kuih. *gulp* NO WAY!!!! we're tired and sleepy.
so, stop till there.
i've snap some photos. :D

contoh yg patut diikuti oleh bdk2 bwh umo skrg... :D yg da lbh 10 tahun tueh, sedaq2 la diri anda tueh da tua... tolong2 la ibu anda di dapur... haha. ckp pndai. aq pun x buat... XP
++DISCO DRIVE = DISCO OVEN++ hakhakhak!!!! lawak siot!!!!! XD
o.O kuih apa nieyh???!!!! ntah la... oh yeah!!!! BISKUT GAJUS... hehe... ^^
meleleh ayaq liur tgk!!!! COLOURFUL!!!
results of our KUIH RAYA!!!!! :D huhu... terharu tgk...
see. mum's doing samprit!!!
o.O it's a marriage!!!! hakhakhak!!!! XD
these 'people' are enjoying themselves in the 'disco oven' tpi ape bleyh bwat... msa da abis arr... :D
mum's busy buat kuih tat nenas. :D
see!!!! the cookies are waiting their turn to enter the "disco oven"... XD
WOW!!!! so YELLOWISH... it's just 7.30 am when the cookies are done and waiting to be baked.

mcm nieyh la contoh anak mithali... ^^

mne kuih cornflakes???!!!!
hare la... luper nk tgkp gmbr...
eh?! jap... ade la..

BISKUT CORNFLAKES!!!! bru je siap... still dlm kuali.. :D

contoh org yg x reti nk menolong. seriously, dye x tolong apa pown... KEJAM!dok kelepek2 hntaq msg kat mak lang... bapak lmbt!!! mcm nenek... nenek pun lju lgy... =_+

nieyh la contoh org yg x menyumbang satu apa pown... habok pown tarak... =_=
tpi, still ade la sumbang tdi pg... :D

so, chao. x dak papa da nk kata. that's all... papai... *waves*

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